Notes/Symphony plugin developers: Google has made all the tools of recently acquired Instantiations free. This includes the excellent SWT Designer, which is a RAD layout tool for SWT widgets. Details here. Have a great weekend.
If you are having trouble running your plugin apps in Eclipse after having upgraded your Notes client to 8.5.2 from 8.5.1, navigate to the desired run configuration and "select all" for the target platform category. Some new plugins were aded in 8.5.2 that weren't there in 8.5.1 and not selecting them prevents the Notes client from starting up from the OSGi console. Also, use Mikkel’s post as a checksum for your client configuration.
That’s What Would You Do. I’d write WWJD in the title but I don’t want to offend…
As an extension of Mikkel's post on how to get started with plugin development, I submit the following:
Ever wonder what the deal with toxic fugue is? It's been a favorite topic of mine since the classic Simpsons Episode "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish." This article in today's NYTimes is enlightening.
Before I close up shop for the weekend I leave a lazyweb request. I'm developing a Notes plugin using the Expeditor Toolkit for Eclipse (6.2.1) and I can't seem to figure out how to expose the Symphony objects in the IDE for me to code against. Any help is appreciated.
I had an incredible time at the Tri-State Lotus User Group meetup today. It was an all-day event with a keynote by Lotus GM Bob Picciano and a whole mini-Lotusphere roster of speakers. I was also was fortunate to meet up with old friends and colleagues Steven Pivnik, Vitaliy Dubinsky and catch up with Bob Balaban, whom I haven’t spoken to face to face in ten years or so.
I’ve been trying to decipher how IBM’s Crypto works in the context of Lotus Expeditor. The spelunking trail has led me down the KeyStore provider path, which is a subtle quirk feature of the Expeditor package that allows for keychaining identities.
I thought I had gotten over the major humps to developing supersecret app, but it turns out that the Lotus Expeditor runtime had one more nasty trick up its sleeve: Expeditor’s runtime’s Java Cryptography Extension provider seems to be missing an algorithm for decrypting SSL communications with Google Apps. Bah! This is what happens when the JVM market fragments.
Finally, some sun here in North Jersey, literally and figuratively.