This is part 3 of a series on drag and drop with XPages and Dojo. Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here.
This is part 2 of a series on drag and drop with Xpages and Dojo. Part 1 is here.
Welcome to the first in a series on how to implement drag and drop behavior in your XPages applications using the Dojo drag and drop toolkit. I’d be in remiss if I didn’t take the opportunity to recommend that XPages beginners refer to Declan Lynch’s excellent and easy to follow Learning XPages tutorial series to bring you up to speed. Declan’s tutorial was also an inspiration, of sorts, for me to embark on this series.
I’m getting ready to start blogging about some Dojo hotness in XPages. IBM saw fit to include the Dojo 1.1.1 toolkit in the Domino 8.5 distribution, but unless your native XPage widget is calling the resources you’re out of luck if you want to access the toolkit's resources yourself. In general terms, how do you access a resource that’s on your server’s file system? You see, if you try to put a resource’s relative URI into an XPage’s resource list, Domino will prepend the path of the current database (er, application) -breaking the URI.