Notes Client

The inevitable Notes gripe list

So my current employer is on the migration path away from Notes. As I am no longer involved in Notes development work on a regular basis, this impacts me very slightly, although as a longtime Notes developer, proponent and –subjectively- guru, it does bother me on some level. Critically, I have to say that in design and implementation, there are some obvious issues that affect the user experience negatively. In no particular order:


That’s What Would You Do. I’d write WWJD in the title but I don’t want to offend…

STACK VS. HEAP: Why it matters in Notes

Excuse me for the pedantic nature of this post, but I recently had an issue with developing a fairly complex agent for Notes coded in Java that caused me to revisit a basic understanding of how Java in Notes works. You see, the Java Virtual Machine, JVM for short, is essentially a stack-based emulator that runs bytecode compiled from the Java language source. Without getting into too much detail, the JVM has two memory pools to speak of, the stack and the heap, that can impact the performance and reliability of your Java program.

PILING IT ON II: Getting started with plugin development

As an extension of Mikkel's post on how to get started with plugin development, I submit the following:

  1. Symphony Developer's Guide PDF (in Symphony SDK) -even though it's not Domino development, it can get a beginner up to speed on creating plugins in the Expeditor platform.


In my previous installment I discussed the simple framework for a client validation framework that works in the Notes client and the on the web using a common codebase in Javascript. The implication, of course, being that the validation is client-side and only has to be written once. The framework is skeletal and does not represent a functionally complete example, although it can be made to be.


Part one of two, in a series.

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